GSA TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD. established in 1978, from time to time, our growing of devotion work stable, keeping in mind of honesty, faith, profession and innovation, nonstop communication and promotion of critical quality procedure, ensure every products could meet high quality of duration and precision.

Further we display our products at IMTS-Chicago, EMO-Hannover, JIMTOF-Tokyo and TIMTOS-Taipei, and receiving reputation from the customer of the worldwide.

To meet the request of customer, both upgrading the quality of our produces and purchasing new machinery of testing and inspection, collecting update technology to develop value-added products.

The sales & service had been built around the network of worldwide, technical supporting and customer service are connected through our agents and dealers more than 30 countries of the world.

We stay improving and innovating our products as the goal of never ending story, the satisfied of our customer and continuing devotion of our products are what we working for the mutual benefits of our customers and members of GSA.

2020' Successful global sales on BMT servo / power tooling turret
2019' Successful global sales on roller gear cam / direct drive rotary table
2018' Completed BMT servo / power tooling turret developing
2017' Completed direct drive rotary table technology transfer and developing
2012' To build China new factory (Jiashan, Shanghai) 20,000m2
2011' Implementation of T.O.C(Theory of Constraints) to reach goal of QCD(Quality, Cost, Delivery)
2010' Acquired Germany Made 5 Axes Milling Machine and 5-Face Double Column Machining Center
2009' Implementation of 5S for workplace improvement
2008' Transferred the name of Golden Sun Industrial Co., Ltd to GSA TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD. specialize in manufacturing CNC Rotary Table and Turret which has built new factory land to 15,000 m2
2007' Import Germany made CNC Hobbing machine (P600/800) from GLEASON PFAUTER
2006' Complete development of power turret.
2004' OEM power milling turret and servo drive turret designed by Japan .
2003' To expand factory buildings to 7,600m2
2000' To set up service center in Shanghai, China
2000' Complete second factory building
1999' Ready to again Y2K and carry out ERP in whole factory
1997' Release new series of Tool-Turret for CNC Lathe

Certificate approved of ISO-9001 by TÜV Rheinland, Germany Products awarded again the "Symbol of Excellence winner"

1994' Products awarded "Symbol of Excellence winner"
1992' Organized and set up branch office in Shanghai, China
1990' Built a new Factory 4,290m2 of production-line 1,500m2
Phase-in products A/M-Pallet-Changer, CNC-Tilting-Rotary-Table
1988' Products No. 1 awarded MCS (Mechanical Components Standards)
Professional manufacturer of CNC-Rotary-Table
1985' Cooperated with venders in Switzerland, Germany, Japan & USA
1980' Professional manufacturer of Precision-Feed-Index-Tables
1978' Company established, started product of Precision-Index-Tables